Monday, September 7, 2009

A Crocheting Experiment

My experimentation with crocheting began in late '08/early '09. While I enjoyed crocheting mostly scarves, I did promise a friend of mine that I would crochet a cardigan and hat set for her soon to be born baby. This was in March. I promised to crochet it to fit for this winter. Since beginning my adventures in jewelry making, I had nearly abandoned my crocheting. Most of my time was taken up with jewelry-making.

However, the other day the weather proved so lovely that I just had to pull out my crocheting and begin this daunting task. Fortunately the pattern was marked "easy". The weather had turned, if only for a moment, quite cool for South Carolina. Since we South Carolinians do not get much of a "fall season", I took the opportunity to start crocheting before the temperature shot back up to 95 degrees.

I followed the pattern for the cardigan but wasn't please with the hat it didn't crochet in the round. (I guess that was too hard for an "easy" pattern. So I made my own and just kind of went along as I could...including earflaps and a cute pompom. I'm hoping it fits ok!!!

Here's the finished product as well as a neckwarmer I also crocheted for the new mommy. I think they turned out quite well.

For anyone that wants to crochet...I learned mostly by watching youtube videos and a simple beginner book. Sometimes books are hard to follow...therefore the youtube videos can really help you step by step. I'm a hands on kind of they helped a good bit!

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